North Carolina

If you live in North Carolina or are moving to North Carolina and need access to genetics services, please see below for useful resources.

State Newborn Screening Resources

General Information on Newborn Screening

Provides an overview of the newborn screening program in the state and connect families with resources related to the newborn screening process

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program

The EHDI program screens and provides treatment for infants diagnosed with a hearing condition and support for families

List of Newborn Screening Conditions Screened in North Carolina

Currently screens for 37 conditions in the following categories: amino acids, endocrine, fatty acid oxidation, hemoglobin, organic acid, and other disorders/conditions

General Public Health Resources

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program

A federally funded program to provide low-income women, infants, and children up to the age of 5 with supplemental nutrition

Genetic Counseling Services

Genetic services available to citizens of North Carolina who are suspected of having a genetic condition. Services are provided at five medical centers and one community hospital in the state.

North Carolina Infant-Toddler Program

Central directory of resources for parents, caregivers, or families on various information for children with special health care needs

North Carolina Public Health Laboratory

Public health laboratory that consists of providing lab support for public health programs in the state.

North Carolina Medicaid

Provides medical coverage for individuals who meet certain requirements such as having a disability, income level, etc.

Family Organizations

Family Resource Center South Atlantic

A Family-to-Family health information center in North Carolina that focuses on providing support to families with children and youth with special health care needs

State Genetic Organizations

North Carolina Medical Genetics Association

An organization focused on increasing access to quality genetic services in the state