SERN Website Information
This website was maintained by SERN through a cooperative agreement funded by HRSA. Funding for this project and thus this website ended on 5/31/24.
Content Now Available Elsewhere
Nutrition Management Guidelines: managementguidelines.net
eGNA: (Emory University's Electronic Genetic Nutrition Academy) https://ece.emory.edu/corporate/clients/egna.php
Metabolic Camp: metcamp.net
Patient/Family Resources
- Emergency Preparedness Toolkit - will be located on the MNT4P website (MNT4P.org)
- Telemedicine Tips for Patients and Families/Caregivers - will be located on the MNT4P website (MNT4P.org)
- Genetics Visits FAQs - will be located on the MNT4P website (MNT4P.org)
- Genetics Videos in Spanish
- ¿Qué son pruebas genéticas? (What is genetic testing?) - is available on the SERN YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/6czzIM1CQkw
- ¿Qué son cromosomas y genes? (What are chromosomes and genes?) - is available on the SERN YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/NmE9wYCBf5w
Other videos, such as selected talks at the SERN/SERGG annual meeting and Lunch & Learn Seminars, are available from the SERN YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/@SoutheastGeneticsSERN)